Red was born on 12/31/2015 and is the third Aussie to land at Rowdy Dogs Farm. RED was raised and loved for the first 10 weeks of his life by Judy Chard in California and then placed on a plane that headed for Nashville, Tn. My husband and I picked him up at the airport. We fell in love with him within seconds of seeing him. RED has been a blessing to our family ever since. He is a Red Tri and the first red dog we have ever owned. He has personality plus with non stop energy. He would have for sure been the class clown in school and been sent to the principals office a time or two! RED has an amazing zest for life and it shows. He loves leaping the creek and chasing birds all over the property. He leads the pack out the door in the morning and most definitely is the top dog on the farm. He keeps everyone in check and without a doubt puts a smile on our face everyday! He has so much love to give and shares it freely with any one that comes to visit. RED comes from some amazing Genes! His mom and dad are rock stars!! His litter mates are accomplished winners in the competitive world of dog shows. As for RED he will continue being our handsome ,fearless, fun loving farm dog.